Can you unblacklist a phone?

New phones are rarely blacklisted or reported as lost or stolen. If the phone has blacklisted either a new or used phone, you can still activate it. In general, blacklisted phones are considered useless and therefore paperweights. The National Credit Act (Act 34 of 200) provides that if you were blacklisted and paid the debts you were listed for, you can apply to the credit office where you were listed to have your name removed from that list.

But after a short period of time, it was launched from the network and you may even receive a call from AT%26T about it.

How do I get out of the blacklist?

Each blacklist has its own process for requesting removal from its database of malicious domains or IPs. If you find that your IP or domain is blacklisted, contact any DNSBL service and ask them to delete your listing. Some of them post a form on their website to request a withdrawal, while others require you to send an email with a specific subject and content.

How long will you be blacklisted?

It tracks all of your accounts and shows where you’ve missed payments or defaulted on an account over a period of two years.
