Does immigration look at debt?

You therefore have no influence on your eligibility as a potential US citizen and would not consider a deportation decision. However, that is actually not the case. It’s best to contact an immigration lawyer about this issue if you think you’re at risk of being denied citizenship or being deported because of your debts. Please … Read more

What happens when you become blacklisted?

You can therefore not open a clothing or furniture account. The blacklist has dire consequences, ranging from loss of reputation, inability to acquire new customers, and declining relationships with existing customers. Additionally, the blacklist has a negative impact on your credit score, which could potentially prevent you from getting future loans. The consequences of being … Read more

How long does blacklisting last in sa?

Around 6 million South Africans are currently blacklisted, so it’s important to check your status and any outstanding issues on your file. If you’re concerned that you might be blacklisted, you can check your credit score to see how you’re doing. The term “blacklisting” or “blacklist” is a term that is still widely used among … Read more

Can debt collectors take you to court south africa?

The ruling is valid for 30 years and clearly states that you have not paid your debts in accordance with the credit agreement. To combat historic debt, there are a few options available to consumers. When making credit decisions, credit providers assess a consumer’s debt portfolio in various ways to determine credit risk. If they … Read more

Can you unblacklist a phone?

New phones are rarely blacklisted or reported as lost or stolen. If the phone has blacklisted either a new or used phone, you can still activate it. In general, blacklisted phones are considered useless and therefore paperweights. The National Credit Act (Act 34 of 200) provides that if you were blacklisted and paid the debts … Read more